Effective integration on all levels is the way to create an architectural vehicle that will effectively and imaginatively embrace and communicate the vast multitude of culture, presence or forms that are relatively available to the span and array of environments that this model could effectively be place into. This can only be achieved by creating a balance between that of strategies and aims. Giving each equal weighting, thought, care and attention, as then together as one, they push forth to strive to create a well rounded and unified approach towards that of modern political and cultural expression.
In becoming almost a device built upon the conglomeration of these themes, ideas, visions and effective solutions, there shall be an approach, that even in its immense flexibility, shall be a notion of strength, compassion, equality and grounding. The vehicles ability to be mobile shall lie in its grounding to be effectively distributed to where it needs to be. The ability to access, evaluate and respond this need, is an ability that not only lies in flexibility, but also in the virtual world, with the implications of multi user access, identification and effective service distribution being of key focus.
Unifying the services of the political model is something to be addressed also, with the current fractured model needing somewhat of a streamlining, focusing on the services and powers provided, and then having them work for and with one another, to achieve unity in operations, effective flow of information, and cross consulting between various existing departments on new, previous and current ideas.
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